TKO Reserve Wedding Cake CBD Hemp Flower


Quantity: 2g
Sale price$6.00


Wedding Cake offers a long-lasting, creative and productive high - followed by a deep sedative relaxation. A potent smoke that provides a calm, mood-boosting effect with a herbal, spicy, fruity flavor profile.

These beautiful A-sized buds are light green to forest green in color with deep orange pistils and a heavy canopy of frosty trichomes. Wedding Cake is an Indica-leaning hybrid that boasts tangy flavors mixed with notes of spicy sandalwood and a hint of vanilla pudding.

The inhalation is very sour and followed by a sweet diesel exhalation that's sure to put a big fat smile on your face! You'll be mesmerized by the bewitching nose and flavors of Cherry Pie and the creamy sweetness of Girl Scout Cookies. It's an excellent strain for focus, relaxation, creativity, and enhanced passion! Let our wedding cake put the happy in your ever after…no prenup needed!​

| Premium, Top-Shelf Quality |

Effect: Euphoric | Relaxing | Mood-Boosting

Flavor: Earthy | Spice | Fruit | Sour | Sweet 

  • 18% CBD
  • Top Shelf Quality
  • Greenhouse Grown
  • Grown Clean + Naturally, Pesticide-Free

Sample Test Results

Wedding Cake

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